1. Jupiter: First bulletin for the 2013/14 apparition (Sep 3rd.)
2. Double and triple shadow transit events captured during October (Oct 23rd)
3. White spot Z: its history and characteristics, 1997-2013 (Dec 18th.)
4. Jupiter in 2013/14: Interim report no.4
5. Fascinating phenomena of Jupiters moons (Jan 20th.)
6. Jupiter in 2013/14: Interim report no.6 (March 31st_)
7. Jupiter in 2013/14: Interim report no.7: The Great Red Spot in 2013/14 (March 31st.)
8. Jupiter in 2013/14: BAA/JUPOS report no.8: New cyclonic ovals in SSTB (April 12th.)
9. The GRS and adjacent jets: Further analysis of amateur images, 2013/14
10. Zonal wind profiles from ground-based and Hubble images, 2014 February and April