104p 20220102 0246 dbartlett

Observing info for 104P:
June Lake California, USA

Image info for 104P (not with comet inset):
WCS transformation ....... Linear
Projection ............... Gnomonic
Projection origin ........ [1973.998262 1322.000150] px -> [RA:  0 12 47.533  Dec:  -4 39 50.36]
Resolution ............... 3.132 arcsec/px
Rotation ................. 5.564 deg
Reference system ......... ICRS
Observation start time ... 2022-01-03 02:46:33 UTC
Focal distance ........... 247.63 mm
Pixel size ............... 3.76 um
Field of view ............ 3d 26' 4.7" x 2d 18' 0.7"
Image center ............. RA:  0 12 47.533  Dec:  -4 39 50.36
Image bounds:
   top-left .............. RA:  0 20 05.224  Dec:  -3 41 02.04
   top-right ............. RA:  0 06 23.730  Dec:  -3 21 06.03
   bottom-left ........... RA:  0 19 12.771  Dec:  -5 58 21.61
   bottom-right .......... RA:  0 05 28.621  Dec:  -5 38 21.69

Page last updated: Sat 8 Apr 18:57:34 BST 2023