12p 20231005 mmasek

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is in outburst again! I observed this comet from the robotic telescope FRAM at La Palma. The picture is the result of stack 9 × 120 seconds exposures in R filter from FRAM (25cm SCT f/6.8 + Moravian G2-1000BI CCD). Below are measurements with photometric filters V and R. I have measured coma including a weak outer part from the previous outburst.
2023 Oct. 05.87 UT: m1=11.4 CCD-R, Dia.=1.3', 25.0-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector .
[Comet Alt.:47.7, Martin Mašek, CTA-N FRAM, La Palma]

2023 Oct. 05.87 UT: m1=11.7 CCD-V, Dia.=1.3', 25.0-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector .
[Comet Alt.:47.4, Martin Mašek, CTA-N FRAM, La Palma] 

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