13p 20240807 dbartlett

Slightly Smaller FOV, Larger Setup, Comet 13P/ Olbers Stills has Some Show Left, Aug 07, 2024.  
Moved up to the C14 Hyperstar in conjunction with a full frames sensor still hosting a FOV of  ~ 2d 44'  x 1d 49' (Formally the RASA 11 w FFrame was ~ 3d 15'  x 2d 9' ).  The RASA setup seemed to be losing some of comet Olber's post perihelion splendor so I changed out equipment.  I have lost some resolution due to the short cool down time for the 14" scope and early evening imaging time, so details may be lost here.
The comet is still showing considerable activity with the Plasma tail in the "low" position in relationship to the comet core.  Mind you, I have maintained the camera angle at approximately the same 0 degree angle since early June for all setups.  This means that tail positioning in the frames are solely due to comet activity and orbital change over time.  Will we see a ion tail switch upwards shortly?  (precursory view of yet, unfinished/unprocessed view of last night's data say - not yet.)
The moon sets before most of my comet imaging of 13P is finished tonight and with a little managing of tomorrow night's subframe duration (shortening) I should get away with tomorrow night's also.  Moon is indeed entering the scene (Thx Chris) and this comet will slip away into my mind's obscura.
Full Resolution:
Backyard setup
scope: C14 Hyperstar  fl729mm D355mm
exposure: 33 x 60 sec 
Seeing: 2.5/5
Transparency: 8/10 
Observer: DEBartlett
Place: June Lake_California USA (Altitude +7700ft)
Image Info (Processed ):
(All images processed solely using PixInsight)
Projection ............... Gnomonic
Projection origin ........ [2313.982469 1536.383107] px -> [RA: 11 49 18.409  Dec: +32 31 41.47]
Resolution ............... 2.124 arcsec/px
Rotation ................. -2.293 deg
Reference system ......... ICRS
Observation start time ... 2024-08-07 04:52:55 UTC
Focal distance ........... 730.19 mm
Pixel size ............... 7.52 um
Field of view ............ 2d 43' 51.0" x 1d 48' 47.8"
Image center ............. RA: 11 49 18.408  Dec: +32 31 41.46  ex: +0.021631 px  ey: +0.009107 px
Image bounds:
   top-left .............. RA: 11 55 39.268  Dec: +33 28 32.20  ex: -1.107546 px  ey: -1.101798 px
   top-right ............. RA: 11 42 37.445  Dec: +33 21 45.60  ex: +0.109384 px  ey: -1.098671 px
   bottom-left ........... RA: 11 55 51.784  Dec: +31 40 13.90  ex: -1.825192 px  ey: -0.019535 px
   bottom-right .......... RA: 11 43 05.235  Dec: +31 33 36.29  ex: +0.105368 px  ey: +0.045375 px

Page last updated: Sun 24 Nov 08:59:34 GMT 2024