image and observation On the evening of the 6th the Sky looked promising so I set up my 90mm F5.5 Refractor ( a modest Star Sky) and mounted it on top of my venerable Super Polaris ( circa 1986 ) . After using Jupiter as a reference point off set to where the Comet should lie. After a period of scanning I detected a smudge . I then exchanged the eye piece for My Digital SLR a Konica/Minolta D5. Set the Iso to 400 and colour temperature to 2500K ( this I have found useful is suppressing the very high level of Light pollution ) With a shutter setting of 30 Seconds I was able to capture a few frames before the Comet was obscured by the surrounding roofs. The best image I attach which I have converted to a negative form 20130406 Neil Morrison |
Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:03:31 BST 2023