Well managed a sketch with and without comet filter 20 mins apart last night, could see movement over that period. Still fairly high although not overhead so a bit easier to track but still struggled, too difficult to sketch up the ladder so was done from memory with keep running up and down the ladder! Trouble was that 21% moon not too far away taking contrast away and the skies were hazy and illuminated by said moon. There was more detail than I could sketch under the conditions and I lost detail with the comet filter. Very bright stellar core, with largish coma around it. Looked to be some small dark patches around the core. Later on when the skies had vastly improved (end of astro dark and 21.60 SQM meter reading) the view improved and again I think the comet filter was showing a very slight hint of a 2nd tail but I was beyond another sketch by this time. |
Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:04:10 BST 2023