2013us10 201512022 cschur

 This shot was taken this morning around 5:30am, and the comet was about 8 degrees above the distant mountain ranges. Very faint visually being so low in the morning twilight, around mag 6 or so. A positive and negative shown here, the neg image shows the complex but faint gas tail present at this time. A 50% moon was also blowing away the sky as well, making this a nice shot for showing the promise this comet has when dark skies return in a week.

Lens:  Stellarvue SV80s f/6 - AKA "Zeiss APO" - with Televue .8x FR/CC
Platform:  Astrophysics AP1200 
Camera: Hutech Canon XTi at ISO 800
Exposure:  10m RGB (30s x 20)
Location:  Payson, Arizona
Elevation:  5150 ft.
Sky:  Seeing  5/10, Transparency 8/10
Outside Temperature:  32F
Processing Tools:  Maxim DL, Photoshop CS2

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:05:34 BST 2023