2014s2 20150922 2245 rscagell

Hot off the press, here is my shot last night of this comet passing the S0 galaxy NGC 1184. I had to fudge the comet position of course with all the sub-exposures which were between 23.28 and 23.58 BST, but I think its position matches about 22.45 UT.


Comet C/2014 S2 passing galaxy NGC1184, photographed with 80 mm ED refractor, Flackwell Heath, Bucks. 22 September 2015, 22.45 UT. 23 x 40-second LRGB subs, total 15m 20s. Atik 314L+.

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:07:34 BST 2023