my first chance to get on both this comet. Set the 24” up during the day and was observing from 6pm but skies very claggy against the forecast – NELM of only 5.0 and 20.8 was my best SQM reading. Clouded over at M/N so partially covered up and got a couple of hours sleep in. Woke at 2.45am and clear again, observing by 3.30am but this time very transparent skies although seeing still poor (Ant IV). I looked to see if I could see the mag 5.5 in UMi and immediately noticed the mag 5.8 one! SQM reading was 21.27 – game on! Got on V2 Johnson at 0430 hours using a 13mm Ethos e/p giving x208 and just under 0.5 deg FOV. Immediately saw a short narrow tail. Comet filter dimmed it considerably. Sketched, the tail just touching/passing a faint star, identified later as GSC 03041-0318, m12.5. The other 3 in the sketch clockwise are: HD 126050, m9; VS DT Boo m8.42 to m8.85; TYC 03041-0295 1, m11. |
Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:08:37 BST 2023