2016m1 20180222 vagnihotri

/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
SWCREATE= 'PRISM, Version, 2018-02-22'
ORIGIN = 'Cepheids Astronomy' /Origin place of FITS image
OBSERVER= 'Cepheids Astronomy' /Observer name
SITELAT = '+24:55:00:00 ' /Latitude observatory
SITELONG= '+75:33:58:99 ' /Longitude observatory
DATE-OBS= '2018-03-23T22:29:19.89' /UT date of Observation
UT = '10:29:19 PM.88 ' /UT begining of observation
EXPOSURE= 420.00000 /Exposure time seconds
XPIXELSZ= 12.90 /X pixel size microns
XPIXSZ = 12.9 /X Binned pixel size as microns
INSTRUME= 'ARTEMIS CCD ATIK-414ex' /Camera which created data
FILTERS = 'EBB ' /Filters
TELESCOP= 'C11 ' /Telescope
FOCAL = 1594.0 /Focal length in mm
DIAMETER= 280.0 /Diameter in mm
OBJCTRA = '19 30 25.091 ' /Object Right Ascension (J2000)
OBJCTDEC= '-01 32 17.58 ' /Object Declinaison (J2000)
Cepheids Astronomy Group, RBT,India

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:09:18 BST 2023