2016r2 20171125 hkato

equipment: Officina Stellare Riccardi Hondars Astrograph RH200F3 and Canon EOS 5Dmk3-sp4, modified by Seo-san on Takahashi EM-200FG-Temma2-BL, autoguided at a star nearby following the comet with Fujinon 1:2.8/75mm C-Mount Lens, Pentax x2 Extender, Starlight Xpress Lodestar Autoguider, and PHD Guiding 2 with comet tracking

exposure: 1 shot 15 minutes at ISO 1,600 and f/3.0

The exposure started at 18:07:24 November 25, 2017 UTC. I tried longer exposures up to 30 minutes, but this single shot was most clear to show the tail.

This frame, 2,708 x 1,741 pixels was cropped of the original 5,760 x 3,840 pixel frame, and this frame is comparable to a frame taken with an optics of 1,300mm in focal length.

site: 1,431m above sea level at lat. 35 55 22 North and long. 138 24 30 East near Mt. Yatsugatake in Yamanashi ????????

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:09:41 BST 2023