Also on October 6 in the morning (about 01h45m UT) I observed the asteroid/comet 2018DO4 with the Cassegrain telescope of Frasso Sabino. In this case, I used a Johnson-Cousins photometric R filter. They are 24x2min (total 48min) mediated in groups of 3 and then the 8 resulting images have been added up. Scale 1".34/pixel, north up and east to the left (field 22'.5x28'.2). I got 2 magnitudes in R (they're temporary because I used a catalog with inaccurate magnitudes). 3 pixels of radius (Diametro 8".04 mag. R 16.8) and 4 pixels di radius (Diametro 10".72 Mag. R 16.5). The tail, curved, is 44" long in PA 292°. |
Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:12:36 BST 2023