2019l3 20210914 0532 dbartlett

In my earlier posted image I hinted at a bifurcated tail taken at 400mm, F2 and 1.9 arcsec/pixel resolution.  Here C/2019 L3 is taken at 620mm, F2.2 and 0.801 arcsec/pixel.  Also the length of exposures were increased from 36 x to 89x 120 seconds.  Different cameras and scopes were used.

North Up, East is left Field rotation kept to 0.397 degrees.
Image file info:  StarLess_C_2019_L3_ATLAS_RASA11_ASI183mcP_point801arcsecPpix_89x120sec_2021_09_14_053240_JuneLake_California_USA_DEBartlett

Page last updated: Sun 12 Nov 21:39:30 GMT 2023