2020f3 20200708 0225 colombo

Camera Canon Power Shot A490 on tripod.

Focal 12mm at F/4

Exposition: 10 sec.

ISO 400

UT 02.25.00




Start observation at UT 02.15


Comet not seen with naked eye: used a 7x50 binocular

Sky with cloud at horizon and some veils (see image)

Comet at circa 15° above horizon, comet shows a white / yellowish color

Mag. + 1,0

Coma c.ca 8’ diameter, small round and white nucleus

Condensation grade: 7

Tail appears c.ca 3° long in binocular


End observation at UT 02.47.


Page last updated: Thu 11 Jul 00:17:00 BST 2024