Here are a couple of attempts I took in the early hours of July 12th, in
case they are of any interest.
Widefield - 2020/07/12, 00:41 UT; composite of six 8s ISO800 images. Canon
1000D, 70mm lens; undriven.
Close-up - 2020/07/12, 01:58 UT, stack of three images (2.5, 1.6, 1.3s;
ISO800). Canon 1000D, 300mm lens; undriven.
Observed near Malton, N. Yorks.
In 10x50 binoculars I found the central rift in the tail close to the coma
quite easily visible, and the 'golden' colour was obvious to the naked eye
in twilight conditions. Absolutely stunning object.