2020f3 20200713 0130 davidreynolds

Like many others I have tried to capture some images with my DSLR whilst it is around, and in one piece (!).  It is of no value I know other than a pretty picture but I thought I would send you my effort. I cannot see the North horizon or anything near it from my garden so I walked 100metres just up the road from my home (South Norfolk) on Monday 13 July 2020 at 01:30 UT with a Canon 40D and Canon 'pro' 70-200 zoom lens.  The camera has picked up the deep blue of the sky that was just returning to the pre dawn sky, which the eye could not.  I also had a 80mm x60 'birding' scope with me and I couldn't see any ion tail nor no real detail in the dust tail. 

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