2020f3 20200713 rroberto

Telescope is a Cassegrain with 369mm reducer / flattener and 2464mm (F/6.66) focal length. Image scale 1".34/pixel with north up and east on the left. Field of 22'.5x28'.2.

In R 18x6s, in V 12x9s e in B 12x18s.

The images, for each filter independently, were made the median in groups of 3 and then added together. In order not to saturate the final fits is 32bit.
The first image I rescaled the image logartmically and applying a DDP filter. The thing that is noticeable (there is also on the original but covered by the central part very bright but NOT saturated) and that has several semi-arches and very much the comet Coggia of 1874 (although the NEOWISE is faint).

Page last updated: Thu 11 Jul 00:20:02 BST 2024