2023a3 20240925 1240 molason

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) has now become visible over the Catalina Mountains east of my home. These images were taken with the comet at an altitude of 8.1 degrees just above the Catalina Mountains when the Sun was 8 degrees below the eastern horizon. The bright twilight has taken all the color out of the comet and its one visible tail in this image. A magnitude estimate could not be calculated since only 2 stars were visible in the 2 second red image, reports say the comet is about magnitude 3, the 2 stars are magnitude 7.7 and 7.9. The one tail visible in this image is about 1/3 degree long at a position angle of 258 degrees from the comet coma. The color image is a composition of RGB images each 2 seconds long with a field of view of 2.2 by 1.5 degrees.

Page last updated: Sat 22 Feb 09:57:07 GMT 2025