2023e1 20230715 dbartlett

C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) from the morning of July 15th.  I've included an annotated version for those who are galaxy curious.
Observational details:
Backyard setup
scope: C14 D = 356mm; fl =729mm; F# 2
camera: asi 2600mcP
exposure: 128 x120 sec
Seeing: 4/5
Transparency: 9/10
Observer: DEBartlett
Location: June Lake, California, USA
Image Details
Projection ............... Gnomonic
Projection origin ........ [828.935596 1362.554955] px -> [RA: 18 16 39.779  Dec: +79 03 05.50]
Resolution ............... 2.128 arcsec/px
Rotation ................. -3.079 deg
Reference system ......... ICRS
Observation start time ... 2023-07-15 09:54:33 UTC
Observation end time ..... 2023-07-15 09:56:33 UTC
Geodetic coordinates ..... 119 04 46 W  37 46 30 N  2357 m
Focal distance ........... 728.90 mm
Pixel size ............... 7.52 um
Field of view ............ 58' 48.3" x 1d 36' 38.9"
Image center ............. RA: 18 16 39.780  Dec: +79 03 05.50  ex: -0.000010 px  ey: -0.000091 px
Image bounds:
   top-left .............. RA: 18 26 47.549  Dec: +79 52 17.10  ex: -0.006700 px  ey: -0.005737 px
   top-right ............. RA: 18 04 36.506  Dec: +79 48 53.81  ex: +0.001991 px  ey: -0.000123 px
   bottom-left ........... RA: 18 27 07.619  Dec: +78 15 45.99  ex: -0.020633 px  ey: +0.014167 px
   bottom-right .......... RA: 18 07 56.351  Dec: +78 12 48.87  ex: +0.001301 px  ey: +0.000055 px

Page last updated: Thu 21 Dec 19:46:22 GMT 2023