2024g3 20250103 1810 mmattiazzo

 comet is in outburst (1.5 to 2 mag amplitude) as reported by T. Lovejoy.

C/2024 G3 ATLAS on 2025 January 3 at 18:10UT. Location Swan Hill

An estimate using 8x40mm binoculars was m1=2.0 with a strongly condensed 3' coma and 15' tail in PA250.

Magnitude corrected for atmospheric extinction using the average table.

In 15x70mm binoculars, a prominent dark lane or nuclear shadow is visible, indicating a recent outburst has occurred. 

Comet altitude 6 degrees. Sun altitude -12 degrees

Clear conditions. Barely detectable with the naked eye.

Comparisons: Mercury (-0.4), Theta Oph (3.2), 3 Sgr (4.6)

Comet was still visible when Sun -8 degrees below horizon.

Page last updated: Sun 23 Mar 13:11:56 GMT 2025