I've just managed to image C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) in daylight from Chelmsford, UK (latitude 51.5N) using a 90mm refractor and an ASI1600 camera. The attached image is a differenced stack of two lots of 20x700us frames offset in declination by 23 arcmin. You can see two versions of the comet, one in positive and one in negative. The orientation is N up and the elongation is currently 7.9 deg. The sun and comet were both low down and the sky rather hazy so I was surprised to get such a strong image. The comet must be pretty bright. I have images of Venus taken with the same settings just before so I should be able to estimate the magnitude with an appropriate correction for the different altutude. |
Page last updated: Fri 7 Mar 21:05:15 GMT 2025