2024g3 20250115 0111 molason

For a comet that was supposed to be hard to observe in the Northern Hemisphere, C/2024 G3 has turned out to be quite a surprise as it moved from our morning dawn skies into our evening twilight skies. When the Sun set the comet was an easy object in a 50mm f/3.5 refractor and ASI178MC camera. 15 minutes after sunset one could easily see the comet in 8x21 binoculars, the coma bright starlike and a 0.3 degree long tail pointing up away from the horizon. Knowing exactly where the comet was one could get glimpses of it with naked eyes. A magnitude estimate was not easy, no references in the field of view, not as bright as Venus, but not as faint as Mercury when seen near a twilight horizon.

Page last updated: Sun 23 Mar 13:12:21 GMT 2025