2024g3 20250116 0114 molason

     Blessed to have a couple nice evenings of clear twilight weather, I hope you have had a chance to view this beautiful comet.    
     Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) was a little higher above the horizon on the evening of January 15 MST which allowed these images to be collected in a small blue patch of the twilight sky before the comet sank into the orange twilight glow. This is almost what the comet looked like each evening in a pair of 8x21 binoculars with a bright starlike coma and a tail growing from 0.3 degrees long last evening to 0.5 degrees long this evening. The comet seemed brighter this evening than last evening, although astronomers (Carl) making magnitude estimates say the comet was about magnitude -1.5 this evening compared to about -2.5 last evening. Probably looked brighter this evening due to the fact that last evening the comet was observed in a rich orange twilight glow whereas this evening the comet was observed in a clear blue sky above that orange twilight glow.    

Page last updated: Sun 23 Mar 13:12:27 GMT 2025