21p 20180820 jchambo

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner @ August 20,2018 03:06 UT

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner some days before its maximum approaching. In this full shot of the comet on August 20th 2018 was taken at same time through of TAR2 Telescope in Teide Observatory and my habitual equipment from Hoya Redonda. Besides of the image showing comet appearance, objective of shots were to register internal coma structures using gradient filters. The second version of this image adds graphical wich shows internal coma enlarged and filtered (inverted monochrome) revealing the presence of four jets emerging from nucleus.

Acquisition details:
Centurion 18" CRC f/2.8, SBIG STL-11000M (L) & GSO 8" N f/3.8, Atik 383L+ (RGB).
112 min. total exposure.
From Teide Observatory, Canary Islands and Hoya Redonda, Valencia (Spain).

José J. Chambó Bris / Miquel Serra-Ricart / Javier Licandro / TAR2 (Teide Observatory, IAC)

Page last updated: Tue 11 Jun 07:28:57 BST 2024