21p 20180902 jchumack

Periodic Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner on 09-02-2018 from 08:02 to 08:19 U.T. Despite the strong moonlight..this image of the Comet is shown with overlapping Ion tail & dust tails. A 16.66 minutes of exposure tracking on the comets nucleus.
100 x 10 sec subs.
Captured from my backyard Observatory in Dayton, Ohio with my Celestron C6 Newtonian Telescope & ZWO 174MM Cooled Mono Cmos Camera.

Strong nearby Moonlight interfered a bit, but I managed to process most of it out and stretched the image in Maxim DL to help show the faint tail and comet Nucleus with forward facing fan bow shock.

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