21p 20180903 jpurvis

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in Auriga on 3rd September 2018.

Just managed to get 8 x 45 second subs at ISO 800 before the clouds closed in. Tried longer subs but the nucleus/coma started to blur.

This was taken with:

8 x 45 second exposures at ISO 800 with a 200mm Canon f/2.8 L lens at f/3.5.

Modified Canon 80D camera, IDAS LPS D1 filter.
AstroTrac TT 320X AG mount with QHY PoleMaster
Backyard EOS focusing and acquisition control

SQM = 20.17 magnitude/arcsec2

Centre (RA, hms): 05h 18m 21.524s
Centre (Dec, dms): +43° 48' 24.992"
Image size: 103 x 59.5 arcmin

Pixel scale: 3.95 arcsec/pixel

Page last updated: Tue 11 Jun 07:29:52 BST 2024