29p 20140520 jdrummond

I imaged 29P on 2014 May 20 with the 35cm f10 Meade ACF SCT and SBIG STL11000M CCD, 5 x 3 minute @ 1x1 with the clear filter. The image is attached. I’d say the coma is 1.8’ based on the image – I agree, the coma has expanded somewhat. I get the following magnitudes -
Astrometrica astrometry -
CON John Drummond, Possum Observatory, Patutahi, Gisborne, New Zealand [john_drummond@xtra.co.nz]
OBS J. Drummond
MEA J. Drummond
TEL 0.35-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
ACK MPCReport file updated 2014.05.22 13:37:17
AC2 john_drummond@xtra.co.nz
0029P        KC2014 05 20.35744 15 37 53.28 -30 28 29.1          16.6 N      E94
----- end -----
Based on Maxim DL’s photometry tool – mag 14.8

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