29p 20161023 miles

Please find attached images of 29P showing the early development of the coma
following 29P's latest outburst, discovered by Jean-François Soulier (A77)
on October 21.74.

Eric Watkins scheduled the images attached, which were taken at the Las
Cumbres Observatory in South Africa. I processed them applying a linear

Some 2.4 ± 0.2 days post-outburst the outer edge of the coma had grown to
9.0 ± 0.2 arcsec radius (189 m/s) directed in p.a. 310 deg. It has a
hemispherical appearance with unusual extensions extending southwards each
side of the hemispherical shell. This gives the coma the illusion of being
rather spiral in shape.

Here is some astrometry/photometry (r' mag in 5.5" radius aperture) of the
two stacked images:

OBS R. Miles
MEA R. Miles
TEL 1.0-m f/8.0 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD
ACK MPCReport file updated 2016.10.24 21:26:29
AC2 rmiles@baa.u-net.com
0029P        C2016 10 23.75449 19 23 19.58 -24 19 00.9          14.14N
0029P        C2016 10 23.83204 19 23 21.53 -24 18 52.0          14.17N
----- end -----

The initial outburst appears have started on 2016 October 21.44 ± 0.24 and
attained r'=13.7. The inner coma is now fading rapidly.

Page last updated: Sun 26 Jan 21:41:27 GMT 2025