29p 20161026 jdrummond

Here’s some astrometry and an image of 29P from last night (2016 Oct 26.4 UT). The coma seems to be more circular around the nucleus now – not so much off to the NNW like two nights ago...
CON John Drummond, Possum Observatory, Patutahi, Gisborne, New Zealand [john_drummond@xtra.co.nz]
OBS J. Drummond
MEA J. Drummond
TEL 0.35-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
ACK MPCReport file updated 2016.10.27 20:57:27
AC2 john_drummond@xtra.co.nz
0029P         C2016 10 26.39208 19 24 29.86 -24 14 04.5          13.10N      E94
0029P         C2016 10 26.46566 19 24 31.77 -24 13 53.7          13.12N      E94
----- end -----
John Drummond, Possum Observatory, IAU Code E94, Gisborne, New Zealand (177d 53' E, 38d 38' S)

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