29p 20190807 0243 jdrummond

STL11000M = 9 x 9 micron pixels, Pixel scale: 0.9"/pixel (1x1), 1.8"/pixel (2x2). In Astrometrica the Aperture Radius is set on 5 pixels. May need to be changed. I'm attaching some stacked images (3 x 90 sec, Clear, 2x2 bin). Due to the large CCD chip size and fast Newtonian (f4.5 native) I'm using a Paracorr coma corrector (makes it an f5.2) - which disperses the stars slightly, making it harder to get a fit in Astrometrica. 

Page last updated: Tue 11 Jun 07:48:56 BST 2024