29p 20200728 rmiles

am also attaching an image of the outburst coma taken with the 2.0-m Faulkes North just 1.7 days post-outburst.
These six versions are the same FITS stack processed in different ways.
Notice that the highest linear stretch reveals a near-circular coma - this is likely to be due to emission from the fastest moving gas. Have been doing some modelling of earlier outbursts. For the coma to be spherical must mean that some ices were late to volatilise. Ices contained in the debris must have sublimated after the debris had travelled more than about the diameter of the nucleus (60 km) from the site of the eruption, i.e. after about 4-8 minutes following the eruption.

Page last updated: Sat 22 Feb 10:27:53 GMT 2025