29p 20201112 jfs

Here attached are some jpegs of single frames from Nov 11 and today Nov 13 that possibly appear to show spikes in the coma around the quiscent nucleus.
The images are 60 sec exposures through a Sloan r' filter with the 2.0-m FTS depicting an area 10' square.
If real, they cannot be 'jets' as they extend many tens of thousands of kilometres. I prefer to call them 'outflows'

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Richard Miles 
To: Soulier Jean-François 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: 29P S-W1 2020 11 12

Nothing evident on a stack of 4x60s images with a 2.0-m on 2020 11 11.58.
Strangely I have noticed this type of effect on stacks before when a large number of frames are used.
The spikes look very symmetrical rather like a diffraction effect but they are not orthogonal.
Unfortunately no 2.0-m images today but I shall schedule more directly.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Soulier Jean-François 
To: Richard Miles 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 9:55 PM
Subject: 29P S-W1 2020 11 12

Good evening Richard.

=> T200 Remote, France :
Sans Filtre
Rayon : 6.6"
Depuis deux jours, avec un bon seeing sur Dauban, il me semble voir des jets (4?) qui forment une croix autour du pseudo noyau ?
Vous pouvez confirmer avec une résolution professionnelle ?
OBS J.-F. Soulier
MEA J.-F. Soulier
TEL 0.20-m f/4 Newtonian reflector + CCD
0029P        KC2020 11 12.74001 02 28 46.44 +26 32 52.4          16.16N      L27
0029P        KC2020 11 12.78644 02 28 45.04 +26 32 45.3          16.16N      L27
0029P        KC2020 11 12.83326 02 28 43.65 +26 32 38.2          16.16N      L27
0029P        KC2020 11 12.87978 02 28 42.25 +26 32 30.8          16.15N      L27
0029P        KC2020 11 12.89134 02 28 41.93 +26 32 29.4          16.40N      L27
----- end -----

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