Comet 46p/Wirtanen. FOV 2°x1.4°. The coma is well over 1° in diameter (e.g. more than twice the apparent diameter of a full moon) and slightly asymmetrical. The tail is clearly visible. Parallel exposure (L und RGB) with an ASA mount DDM85 (1) RGB: 36 x 75 sec, ASI071color cooled, RASA 11"/F2.2 (2) L: 75 x 30 sec, ASI1600 mono cooled, UHC-E filter, C14-Hyperstar 14"/F1.9 2018-12-02 20:15h - 21:15h UT, Tenerife 1120 m altitude. |
Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:26:41 BST 2023