[Baa-ebulletin 00537] Instruments and Imaging Section

BAA electronic bulletins service baa-ebulletin at britastro.org
Tue Nov 30 00:57:36 GMT 2010

I have recently been contacted by a member who is having difficulty with 
instrumentation. I quote:

'I have an LXD75 and want to begin learning digital photography using 
the LPI imager as a starter. With this in mind, when I had to replace my 
PC I bought a laptop with Windows 7 (64-bit), and it was only discovered 
subsequently that Meade had not released 64-bit drivers.'

A trawl of the Internet has proved unproductive. Therefore, if anyone 
can help in resolving this issue, please contact me at...

ram at hamal.demon.co.uk

... and I will relay your advice.

R.A. Marriott
Director, Instruments and Imaging Section

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