[BAA-ebulletin 00629] 2011 November 19 meeting videos

BAA electronic bulletins service baa-ebulletin at britastro.org
Sun Nov 20 11:32:33 GMT 2011

We had a really good Ordinary Meeting at Burlington House yesterday and 
I have just uploaded the videos. Everything worked well this time and I 
have made some changes to the video encoding that should make the slides 
a bit easier to read. You can access this material by logging in to the 
BAA website and then selecting Members->Videos. The videos are in MP4 
format and they should play on most PCs and most mobile devices.

If you have not yet registered for the members' only section of the 
website you can do this by selecting Members->Register.

The videos available are:

- Dark Energy, Extra Dimensions and Cosmology (Heavens)

- Extrasolar Planets (Veras)

- Sky Notes (Moore)

I found Alan Heavens talk particularly interesting and would definitely 
recommend downloading this if you have not tried the videos before. It 
lasts 70 minutes and is 160MB in size. This should take only around 5 
minutes to download with 4Mbit/s broadband.

Let me know if you have any problems playing these videos or any 
suggestions for how we can improve the service.

Don't forget that the Christmas meeting is on Saturday December 10th and 
includes a talk by Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell so it should be an 
excellent event, well worth a trip to London.

Nick James (ndj at nickdjames.com)

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