[BAA-ebulletin 00722] Comet Section Newsletter

BAA electronic bulletins service baa-ebulletin at britastro.org
Mon Jan 21 23:31:10 GMT 2013

The latest edition of the Comet Section Newsletter "The Comet's Tale" has just 
been published on the Section website.  See http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jds/

The latest observations suggest that there are two potentially bright comets 
that may become visible this year.  2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) should become visible 
from the UK around mid March, when it will be fading from a peak of around 3rd 
magnitude.  The predictions for 2012 S1 (ISON), which is a sun-skirter, are 
still very uncertain, but it is likely to be a bright object in November and 
December.  The newsletter gives further details about both comets.  For 
updates and all the latest comet news see the web page, which is usually 
updated several times a week.

Jonathan Shanklin, Director, Comet Section
2013 01 21

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