[BAA Comets] 96P Macholtz

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Wed Jul 25 07:56:00 BST 2012


I did eventually get 96P last night. It was a battle between sky 
brightness and local rooftops. In the end I managed to get it on a stack 
of 20s frames taken around 21:50 UT when the comet was at around 7 deg 
up (azimuth 313) and the Sun was 12 deg down. I used a Megrez 72 and 
Canon EOS550D and have the coma but no obvious tail.

The image is here:


I'll have a go again tonight if it is clear and will use a cooled camera 
rather than the EOS.

An interesting preparation for 2011 L4 next year.


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