[BAA Comets] Comet search program

RICHARD MILES rmiles.btee at btinternet.com
Wed May 2 23:55:37 BST 2012

Hi Roger - that's a long list of things to go under the one heading Project 
Alcock !

Personally, I would like to see more observers attempt to discover a comet, 
especially one found from the UK, which with our weather is quite a 

I suspect that very few folk are scanning the skies for new comets, just as 
there are few UK folk involved in nova patrols for example, hence the lack 
of recent successes in both these areas. Looks like George Alcock was the 
last to discover a comet from these shores back on 1983 May 3. Today is the 
29th anniversary of George's discovery of Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock.  It seems 
fitting therefore that Project Alcock be aimed in that direction also, i.e. 
comet discovery (preferably from the UK using one's own observing 

I started up my own occasional comet patrol back on 2011 Jan 28 and, on 
average, have managed one such observing run every 20 nights. I only manage 
to check about 215 square degrees of sky in any one run so there is plenty 
of unchecked sky to go after.

Not sure how many folk are receiving these mailings but if anyone out there 
is interested in starting up a comet search, or for that matter is already 
engaged in comet patrols, then how about replying on this list to that 
effect?  A band of us combining our efforts to maximise the chances of 
success could be a good objective for Project Alcock.

Richard Miles

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Dymock" <roger.dymock at ntlworld.com>
To: <comets-disc at britastro.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:55 AM
Subject: [BAA Comets] Comet search program

> Having been approached by two local astronomical societies who were keen 
> to get
> involved in some serious observing I thought a comet search/observation 
> program might
> fit the bill. Early days yet but my plan is to roll the program out via 
> astronomical
> societies.
> The project could include (in order of difficulty);
> - locating and observing known comets
> - observing known comets of particular interest (e.g.; in outburst or 
> splitting)
> - follow up observations of newly discovered comets
> - finding comets masquerading as asteroids
> - searching for returning comets
> - discovering comets
> For observing read visual observing and imaging.
> This mailing list would be a good way of communicating with and between 
> participants
> and has saved me the trouble of setting one up (thanks Nick and Denis).
> Any comments, ideas, etc would be more than welcome to help me develop the 
> project
> over the coming months. I would like to name the program Project Alcock 
> after the
> UK's most successful comet discoverer but I need to confirm that I can use 
> that name.
> Regards
> Roger Dymock
> Email: roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
> Tel: 023 92647986
> Skype: rjvdymock
> MPC Observatory Code: 940

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