[BAA Comets] magnitude measurements form CCD observations

Uwe Pilz piu1958 at uni.de
Tue Sep 18 05:37:21 BST 2012

	Dave Storey wrote 

	> Or do we need to establish a programme where the whole coma is
taken into account to derive a magnitude as appears to be happening
on the COBS web site.  

	Dear observers, 

	I wrote a computer programm whcih calculates the total magnitude
from multiaperture CCD measurements. At the web pages of the German
comets' group I publish such values, together with Af(rho) values:
http://kometen.fg-vds.de/obsaktinh.htm [1] 

	If somebody is interested in this software please drop me a line.I
wrote a publication about the mathematic model. Unfortunaltely it is
only available in German. If there is some interest in this method I
would perform at least a rought translation into English. The German
text: http://kometen.fg-vds.de/Publ/ccdphot.pdf [2] 

	Uwe Pilz, piu1958 at uni.de [3][ Unser Tipp: Tglich Happy Preise bei
OTTO Live Shopping . Jetzt bei uns im "studentSHOP [4]" auf UNI.DE ]

[1] http://kometen.fg-vds.de/obsaktinh.htm
[2] http://kometen.fg-vds.de/Publ/ccdphot.pdf
[3] mailto:piu1958 at uni.de
[4] http://www.uni.de/shopping

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