[BAA Comets] Amateur discovery of C/2012 S1 (ISON)

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Tue Sep 25 22:43:14 BST 2012


> What do others think? Should a second night be obtained in certain cases
> (and if so which) before reporting via the NEOCP?
Interesting question.

Well, the naming rules certainly appear to encourage keeping a potential 
discovery quiet until you've had a chance to observe the object in more 
detail and determine its nature. It seems a shame that the rules 
encourage this since, scientifically, it must be best to announce an 
object as soon as possible.

Turning the question around. If you're after a discovery (as defined by 
the MPC) what would be the point of reporting to the NEOCP on the first 
night unless the nature of the object was clear?

Whatever it is called let's hope it puts on a spectacular show at the 
end of 2013.


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