[BAA Comets] 2013 March 13 observation of C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS)

denis buczynski buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 14 12:05:45 GMT 2013

Hello all,
Thanks for all the images sent from observers on March 13 ( when it seems most were able to 
see/image the comet for the first time). I need to loudly support Jon's comments below about the 
image naming convention we use for archiving images and for placing them on the BAA Comet Gallery. 
An image sent with a file name such as PanStarrs.jpg with no other information leaves the person 
(ME) who receives and archives the images with a lot of work to do! If observers want to have their 
images placed on the BAA Comet Gallery they need to use our naming convention.Of the images 
submitted on March 13 only only 21% have the correct file names. Also it is advisable to annotate 
the image itself with details of name,scale,orientation,instrumentation and location (as per the 
following instructions)
Thank you in advance
Denis Buczynski
Secretary Comet Section
British Astronomical Association

Comet image naming format
A special request to observers who submit images: Please try and use the recommended format for 
naming images, something entitled linear.jpg is not very easy to catalogue and I have to spend 
considerable time renaming many images. It would be particularly helpful if you could use the 


comet should either be the full provisional designation, for example 2001q2 or the periodic number 
for example 19p
observer can either be your full name for example shanklin, the first three letters of your name for 
example sha, or your ICQ id for example sha02
yyyymmdd is year month day and hhmm is hour and minute
img is the image format, ef gif, jpg etc.

Putting this together, example image file names might be

It is desirable to include details of the telescope, scale, orientation, camera, wavelength etc in 
the image, but if this is not possible you should write an additional text file with this 
information for example named 2001q2_20010906_sha02.txt

-----Original Message----- 
From: Shanklin, Jonathan D.
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:58 AM
To: BAA Comets discussion list
Subject: Re: [BAA Comets] 2013 March 13 observation of C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS)

Hi Nick,

I think you need to send a reminder about the naming convention for images as few seem to be using 
it.  I'll put something on the web page too.

Regards, Jonathan

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