[BAA Comets] C/2012 S1 20131117 inner coma processing

DENIS BUCZYNSKI buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 17 22:16:11 GMT 2013

Hello all, 

Images taken this morning of the inner coma region of this comet have now been processed. Details are from Nick James of the BAA. 

I have processed Denis Buczynski's images (obtained with a C14 + ST9XE 
CCD from Tarbatness) using a rotational gradient filter. Two stacks were processed. One is a stack of 10x30s images where the photocentre is 
just saturated and the other is a stack of 58x1s images where the 
photocentre was well below saturation. In each case I have used a 15 deg rotation centred on the photcentre pixel. There is an apparent jet in 
PA 30deg eminating from the photocentre.

Single frames near the photocentre show an elongated feature which appears to align with the possible jet feature.

Images are placed on the Comet Gallery of the British Astronomical Association at the following links:



Denis Buczynski

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