[BAA Comets] ISON Nov 16 and Afrho

Giannantonio Milani milani.giannantonio at tiscali.it
Tue Nov 19 19:55:40 GMT 2013

Dear All,
I am a bit late but I add my report for saturday morning (Nov 16). I 
eventually could observe both comet Lovejoy and ISON. Of course the main 
target was ISON.
I took several R CCD images as well as I made some trials in RGB. 
Visually (20x80 binoculars) I could easily see  ISON in twilight with a 
faint 30' tail.  A visual estimate with the Sidgwick  in-out method gave 
me a total magnitude of 5.4-5.4 with different pairs of ref. stars.  I 
then measured the G-CCD images, that we can assume to be close to the 
visual passband, and I got a total magnitude 5.5-5.6 with two difererent 
reference stars. I was impressed to find the same value I estimated 
Unfortunately here weather was bad in the following days. I am going to 
try again in the next mornings hoping in some clearings, but weather 
forecasts are not too encouraging.

I enclose the last Afrho plot with the two outburtsts made with the 
contribution of CARA observers, with a great efforts from Francoise and 
Let's hope that ISON continues to surprise us!  It is very exiting indeed.

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