[BAA Comets] 2012 S1 (ISON)
Shanklin, Jonathan D.
jdsh at bas.ac.uk
Thu Oct 31 14:52:49 GMT 2013
I have just updated the prognosis based on the addition of this week's data. The comet appears to be still just about brightening, but the rate of brightening has slowed further. Extrapolating into the future gives a peak brightness at perihelion about that of Vega, however the behaviour of the comet could change. It is not currently on track to be a naked eye comet prior to perihelion, however if it survives (by no means a certainty) it could be visible to the naked eye in December. If you want to see it use a telescope or large binoculars from a dark site.
By contrast 2013 R1 (Lovejoy) is doing quite well, though its rate of brightening is also slowing. It could be a naked eye object from dark sites in late November. It was an easy object when I viewed it in 20x80B from near the centre of Cambridge on October 30.
2P/Encke is also a binocular object, and may brighten a further magnitude.
I will issue a further discussion list update this time next week, but also see the Section web page. This will get its usual beginning of the month update tomorrow.
Thanks to all those that have submitted observations, both visual and electronic.
Jonathan Shanklin
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