[BAA Comets] Comet 2013US10 Catalina in a brightening sky

Padma Yanamandra-Fisher padmayf at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 23:24:26 GMT 2015

Hello, Denis,

Thanks for being open to sharing users and observations. The PACA address
on FB is:


We do have a vetting system applied to all new requests - requests from
members from other PACA groups are added almost immediately.  I am
currently just wrapped up in Rosetta; however I found from ISON days, that
observers want to have the ability to own/showcase their own data in many
groups/website as well as having a dedicated group to post and
discuss/share information as work in progress products to develop into
something to publish scientifically (we are working on this step still).

So please let the BAA members know this so that they are not offended by
our vetting process. I look forward to seeing many of your membership
there. I see that Nick James has already sent a request and I just added
him, as I know him from the Rosetta group.

He also posted the address for the group in his email. I am in the process
of packing to head home from the Rosetta Science Working Team meeting held
this past week in Madrid, Spain. I will be posting a summary of the
pertinent material for amateurs in the group shortly (in a day or so,


Padma A. Yanamandra-Fisher
Senior Research Scientist
Space Science Institute

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Nick James <ndj at nickdjames.com> wrote:

> It's at:
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/456110954528884/
> or search for PACA_US10.
> Nick.
> Hello Padma,Thanks for your encouraging comments. Could you please provide
>> a link to allow BAA members to access the PACA group for this comet.Best
>> wishesDenis BuczynskiSecretary Comet SectionBAA
>>        From: Padma Yanamandra-Fisher <padmayf at gmail.com>
>>   To: BAA Comets discussion list <comets-disc at britastro.org>
>>   Sent: Friday, 4 December 2015, 8:43
>>   Subject: Re: [BAA Comets] Comet 2013US10 Catalina in a brightening sky
>> Hello, Nick, Peter,
>> Your images of Comet US10 (Catalina) are quite beautiful - this comet has
>> the potential to be a very interesting comet to observe.
>> As part of the PACA groups, we have a group for dedicated observations of
>> US 10 (created a while back) that some of the observers have forgotten
>> about the group. The group's goal is to be a place for observers to share
>> observations, discuss and hopefully,produce a publication for a
>> peer-reviewed journal, the same goals as for other PACA groups. I would
>> like to invite both of you to join and share your images in this group.
>> Similarly any of the BAA members are invited to join the group.
>> I would appreciate it if you would let your members know.
>> Thanks,
>> Padma
>> Padma A. Yanamandra-Fisher
>> Senior Research Scientist
>> Space Science Institute
>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Peter Carson <petercarson100 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>> Comet 2013US10 Catalina was looking fabulous this morning.
>>> See the link below to my image taken in the brightening dawn sky. The
>>> comet cleared my neighbour’s roof just after 6am so I grabbed a few
>>> exposures. Most of them were spoiled by the fast brightening background.
>>> http://www.astromania.co.uk/2013US10_20151204_0604_PCarson.jpg
>>> Peter
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