[BAA Comets] Comet 29P has outburst attaining R=15 approx.

Richard Miles rmiles.btee at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 26 21:43:50 GMT 2015

Images taken on 2015 February 26.653 using the 2.0-m Faulkes Telescope North 
(F65) operated by Las Cumbres Observatory Global telescope (LCOGT) show 
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann to be in outburst at magnitude R=15 (+/-0.5).

Previous astrometry/photometry on 2015 February 25.318-25.366 by 
Jean-François Soulier from W96 (SpaceObs, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile) show 
the comet was quiescent at that time at magnitude R=16.8-17.1. Images taken 
a few hours later from F65 on February 25.638 also show that 29P remained 
quiescent later in the day.

Further observations are encouraged as the cometary outburst might still be 
on the rise.

Follow-up observations may also enable a more exact time of outburst to be 
determined. A provisional estimate for this latest outburst is that it took 
place on 2015 February 26.15 +/-0.40.

Richard Miles
British Astronomical Association

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