[BAA Comets] ICQ Keys

Roger Dymock roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
Mon Jan 12 13:59:32 GMT 2015

I agree with Jure in that we should use the same codes for COBS and the BAA. Perhaps Jonathan/Nick
you could coordinate with Jure to ensure this happens.


Roger Dymock
Email: roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
Tel: 023 92647986
Skype: rogerdymock67 or
Skype: rjvdymock
Project Alcock http://www.britastro.org/projectalcock/

-----Original Message-----
From: Comets-disc [mailto:comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org] On Behalf Of Shanklin, Jonathan D.
Sent: 11 January 2015 13:49
To: BAA Comets discussion list
Subject: [BAA Comets] ICQ Keys

Alexander Baransky has raised the important question of how to report the use of new catalogues,
software, observers etc in the ICQ format.  With the ICQ rather unresponsive at the moment, I've
created some keys that you can use when submitting observations to the BAA and the first draft of
these keys is at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jds/baaicqkeys.htm

Note that the basic UCAC magnitudes were not recommended for use by the ICQ and so I have retained
their U classification.  The AAVSO APASS V magnitudes, which are included in UCAC4 should be similar
to all other V magnitudes, hence the designation as AV.

If you need additional keys, let me know the details and I'll add them to the list.


Jonathan Shanklin

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