[BAA Comets] BAA Spring meeting, Chelmsford UK. 2016 April 30

Andrew Robertson alphacentauri at tesco.net
Sun Feb 21 08:22:51 GMT 2016

Already booked my place.


-----Original Message-----
From: Comets-disc [mailto:comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org] On Behalf Of Nick James
Sent: 21 February 2016 08:19
To: BAA Comets discussion list <comets-disc at britastro.org>
Subject: [BAA Comets] BAA Spring meeting, Chelmsford UK. 2016 April 30

We are only two months away from this meeting. The topic is "robotic exploration of the Solar System" and we'll be covering current and planned planetary missions and how amateur astronomers can help support them by observations from Earth or by processing raw mission data. Of particular interest to comet observers I'll be talking about ground-based observations in support of the Rosetta mission but we also expect a lively discussion on the data flow in the other direction (i.e. 
the timely availability of raw spacecraft data to amateurs).

This meeting is organised in conjunction with the North Essex Astronomical Society and the entry cost is £3 for BAA/NEAS members and
£5 for non-members.

You can see more and book here:


Nick James. Director, BAA Comet Section.
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