[BAA Comets] Fwd: COBS mail on ICQ import

Johan Warell johan.warell at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 22:14:03 GMT 2016

Dear comet observers,

We have now started importing observations into COBS from the ICQ
historical archive dating from 2012. This archive contains around 130
000 observations of which the overwhelming majority
​was not
present in the COBS database. Data imported from the ICQ archive can
be identified with the ICQ## string where ## is the number of
publication in the ICQ newsletter.

At this time the import for comets 1P through 90P is complete (about
​40 000 observations) except for a small number of observations with
unknown ICQ keys and observers.
​​When the import is complete we will
ask you in the community for help with identifications.​

As we have no country/association information for
​ICQ observers this
will necessarily skew the statistics presented on the Statistics page
​as well as data selected by the association/country selector on the
page. Many observers are now assigned the ICQ association. This can be
corrected at any time with improved information provided by the

Jure Zakrajsek has also added two new pages on the COBS web under the
Help tab, which can be reached without logging in. One is a sortable
list of comet observers, keys and observation count
(http://www.cobs.si/help?page=observer_list), the other a page with
COBS contact information (http://www.cobs.si/help?page=contact).

We have also
​started sending out a monthly
​ e-mail with ​
observations statistics
​for your particular
​astronomical ​
association.Sign up for the report via your personal profile. Please assign
your country and association identity at the same time.

​Please let us know if you have any questions, comments. or suggestions for

​With best regards,

Johan Warell
COBS Assistant Administrator

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