[BAA Comets] DSLR astrometry and photometry

Roger Dymock roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
Tue Jul 5 14:40:54 BST 2016

Good afternoon all,

I have added a new tutorial, DSLR astrometry and photometry, to my Project Alcock website -

It has taken several months to get to this point which is why I have incorporated much detail from a
number of sources into the tutorial. 

There is still work to be done and so any comments would be appreciated.


Roger Dymock
Email: roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
Tel: 023 92647986
Skype: rogerdymock67 or
Skype: rjvdymock
Project Alcock http://www.britastro.org/projectalcock/

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